5 Flow Movements for Mobility and Agility

1 - Beast Wave

Start on all fours in a downward dog position. Slowly roll your spine out one vertebrae at a time. Try to pull your belly button back to your spine, creating as much of a curve in your back as possible. At the end, squeeze your glutes, press your shoulders down, and stretch your chin up towards the ceiling. Then reverse the movement, leading with your chin followed by your chest until you’re back in the starting position. The beast wave opens the chest and creates spine mobility.

2 - Scorpion into Cossack squat

Begin at the bottom of a pushup position with your hands, chest, and thighs resting on the ground. Lift one leg and bend at the knee, bringing it across your body and attempting to place the bottom the foot on the ground outside your resting leg. Wait until your foot is planted to press up with your arms, rotate your body and transition into a cossack squat. Keep in mind that the resting leg is to remain straight through the entire movement, and during the squat, it’s heel should be the only thing touching the ground. The scorpion stretch is excellent for back flexibility, and the cossack squat opens the hips and stretches the hamstring of the extended leg while strengthening the quad and glute of the squatting leg

3 - Toe tap into tripod reach

Begin in a downward dog position with hips pressed up toward the ceiling. Reach one hand across your body and tap the toe diagonally across from it. Then bring the foot that was tapped through the hand and foot that are still planted and place it on the ground so that you’re in a single handed crab position. Press into your heels and lift your hips so that your knees are at a 90 degree angle and extend your free arm towards the ceiling. Then reverse the movement and bring your leg back through to its starting position in downward dog. This movement improves balance and flexibility of the hamstrings and shoulders.

4 - Leg raise through to hamstring stretch

Begin, once again, in downward dog. Lift one leg as high as possible, keeping it straight, then bring it down, bending the knees of both legs. Bring the leg that was raised across towards the hand diagonally across from it. Stretch out the leg, allowing it to hover above the ground with the hand reaching towards the toe. Then reverse the movement, placing the hand back on the ground and returning to downward dog. This movement opens the hips, stretches the quads and hamstrings, and improves balance.

5 - Fan kick into side lunge

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Kick one leg in a circular motion across your body and around into a wide stance. The kick should be as high as possible, keeping your torso upright and only a slight bend in the supporting leg. Once your leg is placed back on the ground, bend it at the knee. Push your hips back so that the knee doesn’t pass the toe, and sit into a squat with the other leg extended to the side. Press into the heel of the squatting leg until both knees are locked out. Then return to a shoulder width stance and repeat on the other leg. This movement strengthens the hip flexors and quads while improving outer and inner thigh flexibility.


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