Fitness Personality Reading
Fitness is personal
We all work for different reasons and thrive in different conditions. By understanding your fitness personality, you can leverage your strengths to improve your fitness journey and overcome challenges.
The Pantheon Fitness Personality Reading is a short but precise quiz that helps you discover your fitness and wellness persona. Are you The Master, driven by disciplined focus, or The Adventurer, out to create your own legend?
Learn from your traits, harness your strengths and transform your wellness routine.
How it Works
1. Measure your fitness personality traits
The reading measures your affinity to four key fitness personality traits that drive your fitness habits. We all have different motivations and different preferences for how we do things. Do you like to play team sports or go on contemplative walks alone? Your answer depends on how you are aligned to the four key traits.
2. Get a Fitness Persona
These traits come together to create your Persona. The Personas encapsulate the key characteristics of different fitness personality types. They also include a bit of lore behind them to help you internalize your own traits and to help you understand why you may enjoy certain activities more than others.
3. Use your Persona to improve your behaviors
By understanding your traits and personality, you can play to your strengths and understand your preferences to improve your fitness & wellness and make your journey more enjoyable. You can make your own discoveries with the information you get from your reading, but as our team develops this service, we will also offer recommendations.
Fitness Personality Traits
Goal Orientation (G) vs. Activity Orientation (A)
Some people are driven by specific goals like achieving a particular athletic feat, while others enjoy the process and routine of physical movement and meditation for its own sake, without specific end goals.
Goal-Oriented (G) individuals are driven by clearly defined objectives in their fitness and wellness pursuits. These targets, whether it's a specific weight loss goal, a strength milestone, or an athletic achievement, are their primary motivation. The journey towards these goals offers a sense of purpose and progress, and each accomplishment brings a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.
Activity-Oriented (A) individuals find fulfillment in the act of exercise and mindfulness itself. These individuals derive joy and satisfaction from the movement, the physical exertion, and the mental clarity that comes with it. Their exercise routine is a self-rewarding process, where the journey is just as, if not more, rewarding than any end result.
Social Exercise (S) vs. Individual Exercise (I)
This trait determines whether people prefer to do activities in a social setting, like group classes or competitive sports, or individually, such as solo running or personal weight training.
Social Exercisers (S) thrive in the company of others during their workouts. They prefer group classes, team sports, or fitness sessions with friends. The social aspect transforms their fitness journey into a communal experience, providing both a sense of belonging and an additional layer of accountability.
Individual Exercisers (I) find their zone when alone. They value the autonomy, focus, and personal pace that come with solitude. For them, exercise and meditation is often a time for personal reflection and introspection, providing an escape from the hustle of everyday life.
Planned Routine (P) vs Fluid Routine (F)
Some people prefer a structured or planned routine – they might have a fixed schedule, or follow a specific program. Others prefer a flexible, fluid routine – they might decide their activities based on how they feel that day, or like to try a variety of activities.
Planned Routine (P) exercisers preference thrive on structure and predictability. They typically adhere to a fixed schedule or follow a specific training program, and may even prefer training under the guidance of a coach. This methodical approach fosters a sense of control.
Fluid Routine (F) exercisers value spontaneity and flexibility in their routines. They allow their activities to be guided by mood, energy levels, or interest, bringing a sense of personal authenticity to their journey. This might involve switching up their workout routine halfway through, or starting a run without a predetermined pace.
Exploration (E) vs. Constancy (C)
Some people are always looking for new challenges and experiences in their fitness journey, they might enjoy trying out new sports, exploring different styles of workouts, or varying their routines. On the other hand, some individuals prefer constancy and familiarity, sticking to the activities and routines they know and love, and gradually getting better at them.
Explorers (E) in fitness wellness are always on the lookout for new challenges and experiences. They enjoy trying out novel sports, exploring different workout styles, and varying their routines. This trait brings diversity and novelty to their fitness journey, keeping it exciting and fresh.
Constancy (C) aligned individuals prefer familiarity in their fitness and wellness activities. They derive satisfaction from sticking to routines they know and love, gradually mastering their skills over time. Their fitness journey is characterized by steady progress, stability, and the joy of deepening expertise.
Explore the Pantheon Fitness Personas