Motivational Audiobooks to Keep You Going

Audiobooks are a great way to catch up on reading while you stay moving, whether it’s running, walking, working out, or just doing chores around your home. If you're looking for audiobooks to motivate and inspire, here are a few picks.

 The War of Art


Steven Pressfield's The War of Art is an inspiring book on the battle of creativity. Written for artists and other creatives, the book has inspiring advice for anyone who simply wants to get past their mental and emotional blockers. Take this early quote as an example:

 "Most of us have two lives: the life we live, and the unlived life within us."

The book is full of those.

Pressfield's prose has a particularly empowering attitude, which is delivered expertly by narrator George Guidall. The book is short, which means it’s easier to listen on repeat, especially when you need a stern (but friendly) voice to remind you to get back to work. 

Shoe Dog


It's hard to believe now, but for many years in its early life, Nike was a struggling startup. Before the brand filled retail stores and sponsored Michael Jordan, Nike founder, Phil Knight, started by selling shoes out of the trunk of his car. Shoe Dog not only tells the story of Nike's success, it also tells the story of its innumerable encounters with failure. When you hear of the humble beginnings and the struggles of the iconic company, you might be left asking whether it’s really all that crazy to want to do something great for yourself.

The Obstacle is the Way


Stoicism is a branch of Greek philosophy that almost died. Fortunately, it has seen an explosion in popularity in modern times, and for good reason. Stoicism is a practical philosophy that espouses ideas that help people live better lives in tumultuous times. If you can learn to see opportunities in the challenges of life, how much richer would your life be? If you learn to control the things you can control, how much energy would you save no longer worrying about the things you can’t? In The Obstacle is the Way, Ryan Holiday applies these ancient lessons to events in history in a way that humanizes and celebrates the philosophy. Each lesson is only a few minutes long, which makes this a perfect audiobook for short spurts.


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