Pantheon @ Home

It’s more important than ever to keep up your health and fitness, not just for yourself, but for those around you.

Pantheon was designed to be used throughout your day, whether you were at work, at the gym, or at home. Now that many people are working from home with no access to gyms, we hope Pantheon can continue to motivate you. 

We're thinking of ways to improve the experience for remote teams. There are a few immediate tips we recommend:

  • Teammate Walks: We think it’s a great idea to do this challenge remotely. Just call your teammate and catch up while you take your walk. Remember to try to keep 6ft from people when you leave home.

  • Daily Workout: If you can’t make it to the gym, there are great, low-cost home workouts. Walking, running, and yoga require almost no equipment to get started (you can do yoga on a towel if you don’t have a mat).

  • Blog: We just launched this blog where we will be posting tips to help you stay mentally and physically fit from home. We'll be adding new content every day for the next couple of weeks.

  • Ask Me: If you want any tips or pointers, I'm always here to help.

Stay healthy everyone.

♥ Erik


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