5 Park Bench Exercises

1- Bulgarian Split Squat

Begin in a forward lunge position with torso upright, hips square to your body, and back foot elevated on the bench. Lunge until your front thigh is horizontal, keeping your knee in line with your foot. Don't let your front knee travel beyond your toes. Press into your front heel to return to the starting position. A wide stance, as shown in the video, primarily focusses on hamstrings and glutes. The closer you stand to the bench, the more emphasis will be placed on the quads. Experiment to find a distance that works for you.

2 - 180° seated bench jump

Start in a seated position and explode upwards into a vertical jump. While in the air, spin in a 180 degree motion and land softly in a squat position on the bench. In addition to working out your calves and quads, this movement is great for balance because the mid-air rotation forces you to engage your core for stability. It also builds power since you must explode from a static position.

3 - Decline pushup with toe tap

Start in a plank position with hands about shoulder width apart and feet propped up on the bench. Lower your chest by bending your elbows. You may need to lift your head to avoid hitting your nose or forehead on the ground. Push up, then bring your right toe to your left hand underneath your body and return plank position. Repeat on the other side. The decline pushup targets the chest, shoulders, back, and arms, while the addition of the toe tap requires a fair amount of strength and stability through the entire core, legs, and back making this a full body burner.

4 - Tricep dip with leg raise

Sit on the edge of the bench and grip the bench bedside each of your hips (knuckles facing forward). Walk your feet out so that your arms are behind you, keeping your knees at around a 90° angle. Lower your torso by bending your elbows to a 90° angle, extending one of your legs on the descent. Return to the starting position. Alternate legs. The dip action works your triceps, shoulders, and upper back while raising a leg strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, and quads.

5 - Plank up-downs

Start in a plank position directly in front of the bench. Lift your right hand onto the bench, then your left hand. Then place your right hand back on the floor followed by your left hand. Alternate the leading hand for each repetition.Plank up-downs place emphasis on the core, particularly the upper abs, but also the lower abs, lats, traps.


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