5 Weighted Vest Exercises to Level Up your Workouts

Weighted vest workouts are a great way to increase the intensity of your exercise. You can workout with a weighted vest anywhere, or mix a weighted vest into your existing workouts. Here are 5 exercises to get you started.

1 - Run

If it’s your first time running with a weighted vest, ease yourself into the run, slowly increasing your pace. If the weight of the vest makes it too difficult to breathe, you may need to reduce your pace or walk. Wear the vest tightly, so the weight doesn’t bounce against your chest. Running with a weighted vest can improve your running posture, boost your speed (without the vest), and increase the cardiovascular demands of your workout. 

2 -  Seated pistol squat

Begin in a seated position with your feet parallel and shins perpendicular to the ground. Extend one leg in front of you, as straight as possible, with your heel hovering above the floor. Keeping your core tight and your back straight, press into the heel of your supporting leg and stand up straight, continuing to extend your other leg in front of you. Then, on the same leg, lower yourself back to the seated position, switch legs, and repeat. Pistol squats are an advanced squat variation that target your core, stabilizing muscles, and your entire leg from the glutes to the ankles.

3 - Single leg Deficit calf raise

Stand on the edge of an elevated surface (stair, curb, step stool, etc.) with the heels of your feet hanging off the edge. Rest all of your weight on one leg, bending the other leg and slightly lifting the foot. You may need to hold onto a wall or other support for balance. Push yourself upwards using the ball of your standing foot and keeping your leg straight. Pause for a moment at the top then slowly lower yourself, allowing your heel to dip below the edge of the platform. As the name indicates, calf raises target the calfs. This single leg variation is difficult, and with the added weight of the vest, you may need to use both legs to start out. 

4 - Pike Pushup

Start in a plank position on the floor. Press your hips up and back until you form an inverted V shape with straight arms and legs. Bend your elbow and lower your torso and head towards the ground then slowly press up until your elbows are locked out again. This variation of pushup puts more emphasis on the shoulders than the chest. It’s also a great way to gain strength for a handstand or handstand pushup. 

5 - Jump Squat (Tuck)

Stand with your feet around shoulder width apart. Sit back into a full squat where your thighs are parallel to the ground or lower, and then explode up into the air, tucking your knees as close to your torso as possible before landing softly into another squat. Keep a straight back the entire time. Tuck jumps are an excellent form of cardio as well as a major leg burner, particularly in the quads. They also help build explosiveness and power.


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