CrossFit Resource Guide

You did your research and decided CrossFit might be right for you. The great thing about CrossFit is its awesome culture and the variety of resources for people at all levels. 


Misfit is one of the best training and programming resources for athletes interested in competing. They emphasize general physical preparedness and give you workouts to prepare you for the broadest, most insane things any competition could throw your way. 

They provide one program for the masses which you can sign up to be a part of for free! Beyond that, they offer customized programs for the competitive divisions including MFT for RX/Elite athletes (top 300 worldwide), Hatchet for athletes aspiring to MFT, and Age Group for teens and older athletes who want to compete in their age categories (CrossFit Games level).

One of the coolest things they offer are weakness templates which customize your program to address a weakness that’s holding you back. These templates are 4-7 week programs that can tackle anything from snatching to swimming.

Sample of what some of their programming looks like.


 A daily (Monday - Friday) email newsletter that “educates, informs, and inspires the CrossFit community.” It’s a 5 minute read on all things CrossFit. 

They also have a great and fairly new podcast called Chalk Up your Ears


This page is a smart follow for all CrossFitters at all levels. From fitness tips to motivational quotes, you can find a plethora of awesome CrossFit content. 

If you’re looking for a workout of the day (WOD), videos, tips, courses, seminar information, or descriptions of workouts and skills, it’s all there. 

There are also stories from featured affiliates all across the world. This is a great opportunity to discover athletes, coaches, and gyms from the global CrossFit community.


Known as the Fittest Man in History, Rich is an athlete whose content inspires and educates.

His documentary, Froning, is highly rated and tells the story of his three consecutive CrossFit Games victories, a feat that no other athlete had accomplished. It looks at his life and training.

His gym, CrossFit Mayhem, also releases all of his workouts in a program called What’s Rich Doing?

He’s also a great athlete to follow on social media. His Instagram, Facebook, and twitter are all goldmines for training content, gear giveaways, and motivation.


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