At Home CrossFit Programming

Part of what makes CrossFit great is the diverse programming. When doing CrossFit from home, it’s tricky to find programming that doesn’t require gym equipment. We’ve written a few at-home workouts to get you started.

WOD 1 (full body)


Practice double unders and gage your comfort level


2 rounds:

10 inch worms

10 air squats

10 situps


20 minutes - every minute on the minute (EMOM): 

Minute 1: complete 8 burpees

Minute 2: complete 12 odd object cleans (Men-75lbs Women-55lbs)

Minute 3: complete 25 double unders or 50 single unders (mime if you don’t have a jump rope)

Minute 4: 30 second plank

Use the remainder of each minute to rest

WOD 2 (lower body focus)


5 minute jog

30 sec Samson stretch on each side

1 minute of quad pulls

15 box step ups


In 30 minutes, complete as many rounds as possible of:

20 box jumps

16 Bulgarian split squats (8 on each leg)

20 air squats (no added weight)

600m run (if you have no way of measuring that distance, run for 2min, then run back)

WOD 3 (upper body focus)


2 rounds:

10 inch worms

5 pike pushups

15 hollow rocks


5 rounds for time:

10 tricep pushups (modify to knee pushups as needed)

20 situps

30 single arm push press (15 each arm) men-35lbs women-20lbs

*if you have a dumbbell or kettlebell, use that! Otherwise, look for an object of similar weight. Scale as needed.


If possible, blast some music to make the workouts a little more fun and to distract yourself from your own breathing.


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Crossfit Movements you can do anywhere