Healthy Habits For 2022

Small, simple steps you take in your daily life can improve your mental, physical, and emotional health. Here are some habits to get you started.

Write Things Down

Putting a pen to paper can be a game changer. Often our memories fail us, and most people benefit from physical to-do lists, progress tracking, or even brain dumps. Jotting things down can allow your mind to relax and let go of thoughts. It keeps you organized and helps with prioritizing tasks.

Positive Self Talk

Self talk occurs whether you notice it or not. It's natural for our brains to narrate our lives, and the internal monologue has immense impact on your mood, demeanor, and self expression. Practice taking control of your thoughts and painting a positive self image. It will boost your self esteem and curb negative emotions and self doubt.

Digital Diet

A healthy digital diet looks different for different people, but limiting recreational screen time is key to mental health. Try logging screen time to become intentional with it, and consider investing in a screen time limiter, like ZenScreen, for distracting sites/apps.

Spend Time Outside

If weather permits, spending time outside has the ability to improve your physical and mental health. Your bones, blood cells, and immune system love the Vitamin D, and nature can give you perspective and remind you of your place in the universe. Check out this article on serene spots around El Paso for outdoor mindfulness.


Figure out what you're most grateful for, and set reminders to keep those things in sight. Keep visual reminders in your home, keep a gratitude journal, or simply dedicate a portion of each day for dwelling on blessings. This will keep your emotional health in check and help you to maintain a positive outlook throughout your day.

Find Community

The people you spend the most time with often have a massive influence on your lifestyle and goals. Choose to surround yourself with people who have similar goals and value your health. Here are some tips for making friends and fitness.

Build Strength

Strength training is key to a well rounded fitness regimen and encourages injury prevention, fat loss, and longevity. Check out Pantheon's beginner's guide which gives you everything you need to start incorporating strength training in a simple and manageable fashion.


Keep you brain active by pursuing education regularly. Take free online courses in subjects that interest you, read books, or learn from mentors in your life. Never settle for what you know. This will help you to develop humility as you take on the role of a perpetual student of life. It will keep life interesting and keep you ambitious.

Drink More Water

This cannot be said enough. The benefits of water to the body are countless. Normalize blood pressure, protect your organs, and aid digestion by prioritizing adequate hydration. If you live in a dryer climate or sweat frequently, be sure to make up for that with extra water intake. This will also help curb appetite as an added bonus if you are dieting.

Get Adequate Sleep

Getting good sleep and enough sleep is revolutionary for all aspects of your health. Set aside enough time to sleep and put together an evening routine that will enable your body to shut down when you lay down. Things like lighting, screen time, exercise, and diet can contribute to sleep failure or success. Check out our review of the Oura Ring vs. Apple Watch for sleep tracking.


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