Jump Rope Buying Guide
As one of the most affordable pieces of workout equipment, a jump rope is an excellent investment. Before you make a purchase, assess your goals and determine what you’d like to achieve with your jump rope. This may be important in deciding which type of jump rope to buy. This guide outlines the different varieties of jump ropes and our recommendations for purchasing.
Speed Jump Rope
Speed ropes are an awesome place to start for beginners. They’re very lightweight, durable, and easy to use. They are best for footwork, quickness, and agility.
Beaded Jump Rope
You might remember beaded ropes from your childhood PE class; however, they’re great for more than just kids. When the beads hit the ground on each rep, they make a rhythmic sound pattern which can be helpful - especially if you’re working on endurance and want to go unbroken for long stretches. They’re a little bulkier than speed ropes, but they don’t get tangled quite as easily.
Weighted Jump Rope
Weighted jump ropes are more advanced and great for maximizing your workouts. They can weigh anything from 1 to 6 pounds and will burn calories like nobody’s business. They’re a little more expensive, but they can last a very long time.
Crossrope Get Strong Rope Set (1lb and 2lb rope)
Gor your rope in hand? Check out our Jump Rope Resource Guide next.