Jump Rope Training Guide: Knowledge & Resources

Once you’ve committed to a jump rope, it might be hard to think of different ways to use it. The first thing you should do is adjust the length of the rope so that you can jump comfortably without tripping or needing to tuck your knees. Once you are confident with that, there’s plenty of ways to expand your workouts.

Jump Rope Dudes

Jump rope dudes are one of the best resources for jump ropers at all levels. Their youtube channel has hundreds of free workouts and technical demonstrations. They have a blog which covers how to use jump roping to achieve your desired outcome, and they sell some of the best ropes on the market.

Rushie S. (Rush Athletics)

Rushie is an expert jump rope trainer and a great person to follow on Instagram and Facebook for jump rope content. He posts cool new tricks to learn with the rope as well as workout tips and some cool merch.

Jump Rope WOD Bible

This book is a great introduction to the jump rope. It discusses the benefits of jump rope exercises, gives lessons on jump rope techniques, and includes 70 jump rope workouts.

A few moves to get you started

If you just bought your first rope and don’t know where to begin, here’s four jumping techniques to start you off.

  1. Basic jump: jump off of two feet and land on both feet at the same time, swinging the rope under you once per jump.

  2. Side-to-side jump: this is a variation of the basic jump. The rope will swing over your head to the front and as you jump, you will hop laterally to the right and then left each time. 

  3. Single leg jump: stand on your right foot, lifting your left foot towards your buttocks. Then, as the rope swings over your head, jump off of and land back on your right foot only. Repeat for your desired amount of reps and then move on to your left foot.

  4. Double-under jump: start out by doing the basic jump to build up some momentum. Then, jump off the ground and swing the rope around and under your feet twice before landing. The focus is on quick wrist movements rather than a super high jump or full arm movement.


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Jump Rope Buying Guide